First lesson free Lesson packages available

Cols Music House

Come to Col's Music House and learn to play the piano in a relaxed, social atmosphere and meet other people with similar interests.

Type of learning
One-on-One, Group
Age range
All ages
Teaching since

About Cols Music House

Welcome to Col's Music House. Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Col Woodward. I have been playing Piano & keyboards since the age of 7, and have been both teaching and playing music professionally since the age of 15. Col's Music House is a vision I had which would enable people of all ages to share the fun, enjoyment that only music can provide.

Welcome to Col's Music House. Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Col Woodward. I have been playing Piano & keyboards since the age of 7, and have been both teaching and playing music professionally since the age of 15. Col's Music House is a vision I had which would enable people of all ages to share the fun, enjoyment that only music can provide. We offer professional music tuition in a "Fun and Relaxed Atmosphere", and importantly, at an affordable price. We have had great success teaching adults of all ages. Some of the best players are over 60 years of age. With our modern approach to teaching, we can achieve results quickly. Your piano teacher, Col Woodward, was born into a musical family and educated in Mancheser, England. At age 7, Col studied Piano & Music Arrangement from the family's full-time music director Paul Richardson. Col studied with Paul for some 8 years and at the age of 14, he became the musical director for the family's six-piece band "The Family Woodward. " The Band arrived in Australia in 1982 that year they won a music talent show called "New Faces" hosted by Bert Newton. They also appeared on various TV shows. After entertaining for many years Col opened his own music school in Harbord in 1992.

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Location Dee Why NSW
Pricing First lesson free Lesson packages available
30 minutes
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